کانال تلگرام تالار گفتگوی ارز دیجیتال

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موضوع: IRANIAN,s Pilot Cryptocurency is launched

  1. #1
    Administrator coinmaster آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Mar 2016
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 66 بار در 46 ارسال

    Lightbulb IRANIAN,s Pilot Cryptocurency is launched

    Yesterday 28/March 2018 YJC reported Azari Jahromi Iranian minister of information and communications technology said banning bitcoin and cryprocurrencies from Iran Central bank for banking system and exchanges is not meanning limitation and banning use of cryptocurrncy and blockchain in our internal development.

    He said we joint institute of information and communications technology with Iran central bank finance and money research institute and also Iran Post bank before about blockchain, and on last week meeting to check progress I found cryptocurency is launched as pilot.

    Azari Jahromi also said the result of this research should answer many questions on different parts so we can implement final model and making Uturn on cryptocurrencies way is not meaning at all, because the word future is based on block chain.

    He said Iran Cetran bank worry is just about outgoing cashes from banking system and hurting people on bitcoin investigation and this is the only reason bitcoin banned from central bank. because all of cryprocurrencies are not bitcoin and future of internet and world is blockchian.

    برای دیدن سایز بزرگ روی عکس کلیک کنید

نام: IR.jpg
مشاهده: 1192
حجم: 52.1 کیلو بایت

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